Not Aborted Fast Enough

Here's a horrifying story from LifeSite. A young woman went to an abortion clinic in Florida to dispose of her 22-week-old child/fetus/clump of tissue. The clinic must have been experiencing heavy volume that day because she was kept waiting for the procedure.

On July 20, an 18-year old woman went to a for-profit abortion facility owned by Belkis Gonzalez and Siomara Senises. She gave birth to a living baby girl while sitting in a recliner in the facility’s recovery room. The child’s mother, Sycloria Williams told police that she had watched her daughter moving and gasping for air for approximately five minutes.

The Dade County Medical Examiner report dated October 28, said that the baby died of “extreme prematurity” and lists no “contributory cause.” The report lists the “manner of death” as “natural.”

The report says that the child, who has since been named Shanice by her mother, then 22 weeks gestation, was delivered “and placed to the side. A staff member cut the umbilical cord and placed the neonate into a red biohazard bag.”

“Witnesses, including the mother, indicate that the neonate was breathing and moving.” The report says that children born so prematurely have 0% chance of survival.

“It doesn’t matter if Shanice had a 100 percent or a zero percent chance of survival. Once she was born, she was deserving of the same protections under the law as the rest of us,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “At the minimum, she should have been given comfort care. Shoving her into a plastic bag and tossing her onto a roof to die is just unconscionable.” MORE
Obviously this is a terrible story, and it sounds like Sycloria Williams now wishes she had made a different choice. She will live with this horror for life. Shanice, sadly, will not.

The weird part to me is that now, suddenly, Shanice is a "child" again and even has a name. Why? Because after the fact, mom decided she had a "daughter." This is where we've come to: you are human only if you are wanted. Where does this end?

It's also legal weirdness. Had the clinic moved a little faster and dismembered Shanice while she was still in the womb, it would be all in a day's work. The medical waste would have been incinerated and no one would be the wiser. Now the abortionist may face criminal charges.

The really sad part is you can bet this sort of thing happens in abortion clinics every day in this country. We don't hear about it because there are no witnesses. Well, actually there are witnesses. They have wings and halos, and they gently take up the victims of these death houses and bring them to a loving eternal Home.

Those who commit these ghastly crimes will get to face their victims one day. They had better hope for more mercy that they showed Shanice.

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