Gabbana on Parenting

I caught flack from some folks for this post in which I suggested children should have both a) a mother and b) a father, thereby ruling out gay couples becoming parents. Now, via Drudge Report , we learn that a well-known gay person agrees:

Gay designer STEFANO GABBANA is against the idea of same sex couples becoming parents, because he believes children need both a mother and a father. Gabbana insists taking a child away from its mother is "cruel" and that he will never adopt, although a female friend recently agreed to become the surrogate mother of his child through artificial insemination. He says, "I am opposed to the idea of a child growing up with two gay parents. A child needs a mother and a father. "I could not imagine my childhood without my mother. I also believe that it is cruel to take a baby away from its mother." MORE

It isn't clear why Gabbana has engaged a surrogate mother if he really feels this way, or who will raise the resulting child. Nevertheless, his parental instincts are correct. I hope he can persuade other gay people to abandon their quest to produce children.

You can be further enlightened by clicking the MORE link above and then the "view all comments" link in the top right of the page. A very interesting discussion is underway from those on both sides of the issue. Mr. Gabbana's comments are probably not going to help his business prospects.

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