How To Destroy Marriage

Conservative Christians are up in arms about the idea of same-sex unions becoming lawful in their states. The gays and lesbians are "destroying marriage," we are told.

Well, no, not exactly. We heterosexuals don't need any help destroying marriage; we're doing a fine job of it all by ourselves. It's not gay people who are keeping the divorce court dockets full. Not yet, at least.

Lifesite reports on an interesting presentation by a Canadian physician at a recent medical ethics conference in Ottawa. Dr. Pia de Solenni points out some difficult truths:

It becomes “very difficult” to argue against same-sex marriage, Dr. de Solenni said, when heterosexual couples fail to respect the traditional values of marriage. Using contraception, regarding sex as simply a pleasure activity, considering children a “maybe,” and divorcing easily - all contribute directly to society’s growing acceptance of homosexuality...

Forty years of feminism have “trained women to think about sex the way a not very good man thinks about it,” she said. Casual sex and one-night stands are the weapon society uses to avoid intimacy and the vulnerability of a genuine sexual encounter, she said.

The marriage relationship, however, is meant to be as intimate as the relationship between Christ and the Church, Dr. de Solenni said, leading men and women to a genuine encounter of themselves, each other and ultimately, God.

Sexual sin and disorder is so deeply personal, “in your face, in front of us all the time” that it leads to a profound sense of shame, causing men and women to hide their sexual differentiation in today’s culture.

Dr. de Solenni said she believes young people today are becoming more open to a traditional understanding of the sacred nature of marriage, saying young people have lived through the “divorce culture.” She called for more careful preparation of youth for dating and marriage, saying communication skills and an understanding of Natural Family Planning should be part of high school instruction. MORE

Pope John Paul II saw all this coming and recognized that it's not enough to fight against secularization; there must be a positive alternative. He gave us one, or rather explained what has been there all along, in the way we were created male and female, and how we love each other. It's called Theology of the Body. Check it out.

1 comment:

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Yes, yes, and...yes. Such a good point.

I actually don't think the current debate about gay marriage is primarily an issue with homosexuality. It's a subset of the larger problem that, mainly thanks to contraception, modern heterosexual marriage has degenerated into a sort of glorified roommate situation. The most common, accepted definition of (heterosexual) marriage today is that it's a nice way to proclaim a long-term commitment when you really like someone. That's it. Everything else is optional. So it's not surprising or even unreasonable that the gay and lesbian community looks around and says, Hey, why can't we have that?

When society is blase about the fact that the term "traditional marriage" has come to include contraception to make children optional, prenuptial agreements, no traditional gender roles, separate bank accounts, etc. it's hard to make the case that heterosexual marriage is "special" or even "different".

OK, off the soapbox now. :) Again, great post.