Thoughts About Sex

Ha, that title got you to read this post! Calm down. Scarlett Johanson is, apparently, an actress of some renown. I have never heard of her myself. Anyway, she sounds like a shameless harlot, by her own admission.

The Lost In Translation star last month boasted about being so "socially aware" she gets tested for HIV twice a year.

Johansson says, "We are supposed to be liberated in America but if our President had his way, we wouldn't be educated about sex at all. Every woman would have six children and we wouldn't be able to have abortions." MORE
Hat tip to Mark Shea for finding this article. He also has some interesting conclusions:
... there is a language of the body, as well as a language of the tongue. The act of sex means "I give you all of myself in sacrificial love."

In Johannson's world, the act of sex is recreational and semi-anonymous. The guy might or might not be giving you a deadly plague as he pursues his own pleasure with you as the useful apparatus. Best to be "socially aware" of how anonymous, disposable, and meaningless you are. And best to dispose of any by-products of that mechanical act. That's educated. God forbid you find yourself in a family full of love. That would require something of you. Liberation is isolated atomized autonomy. Slavery is a family of love and mutual care.
Feminists think they are somehow "liberated" by being able to have sex anytime, with anyone, and in any manner that they please, with no consequences for their actions. In fact, they are enslaving themselves to a meaningless existence that will ultimately destroy them.

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