Body Parts - Made In China

This sounds like a movie script but is apparently real. The Chinese government, which enthusiastically applies capital punishment to those it defines as criminals, has been harvesting organs from executed prisoners and selling them to people who need transplants.

This week, at a summit for transplant doctors held in Guangzhou, the once-denied practice was confirmed by government officials.

"Apart from a small portion of traffic victims, most of the organs from cadavers are from executed prisoners," said Vice Health Minister Huang Jiefu, according to English-language China Daily newspaper. "The current organ donation shortfall can't meet demand."

A ministry spokesman also said that "wealthier people, including foreign patients" were able to move to the top of waiting lists ahead of others waiting for organs.

Some experts estimate that over 90 percent of organ transplants in China come from prisoners. Chinese transplant physician, Dr. Zhonghua Chen, said at a conference in Boston in July that Chinese doctors had transplanted 8,102 kidneys, 3,741 livers and 80 hearts in 2005, reported the Los Angeles Times...

With past investigations revealing kidneys offered for $40,000 and livers for $60,000, the opportunity for illicit profit will continue to plague the system.

Mabel Wu, 69, of Northridge, Calif., paid $40,000 for her new kidney in July. The family was told only that the donor was a 30-year-old male.

"I am very happy with this transplant," Wu told the Times. "I got a good kidney." MORE

While I'm pleased for Mrs. Wu and her family, this is a truly gruesome practice. One could argue that the prisoners are going to die anyway, so we may as well let some good come from the situation. In this view it's not unlike donating your body for research, which may eventually lead to life-saving cures. However in the Chinese case it is not clear whether the donors have a choice in the matter. It is also far from certain that the executions are for legitimate crimes. Remember, this is a regime that routinely forces women to abort babies that the State deems unnecessary, and also sells children to the circus.

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