North Korean Orphans

So we are worried Kim Jong-il may use his newly built nuclear weapons on us. This is a real possibility, but he doesn't need nukes to torture and kill his own people. He also doesn't mind letting his Chinese pals do unspeakable things to children, OpinionJournal reports.

...most abandoned orphans in northeast China are the progeny of North Korean women who have been captured and deported and their Chinese "husbands," who spurn their children. They are stateless, rejected by both China and North Korea for their "impure blood." Pregnant women deported to North Korea are often forced to abort for the same reason, says Chun Ki Won, a South Korean minister whose organization, Durihana, has helped spirit hundreds of refugees out of China. "I know of many cases myself," he says.

"Diu Diu," or "little lost one," is the nickname given to a 3 1/2-year-old boy that LINK tried, but failed, to help. A year ago he and his mother were captured by Chinese police and taken to the border, where racist North Korean border guards refused to admit the half-Chinese boy, whom they tore from his mother's arms. The police then sold the boy to a circus for $100, where he was severely abused and ended up in a hospital. The photos LINK obtained of the boy are too shocking to print....

Amid this misery, there are a few stories with happy endings--of mothers who ride the underground railroad to the South with their Korean-born children or mothers who escape and then go back to smuggle out their Chinese-born kids. The humanitarian workers tell these stories with unflagging spirit. But the vast majority of the orphans remain lost in China, in lives that offer little hope. Most of the South Koreans and Americans working to help the children are Christian, as are many of the ethnically Korean Chinese who care for them. Pastor Chun speaks for many, when he says he takes inspiration from Isaiah 1:17, in which God exhorts the prophet to "Defend the fatherless."
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Here are links to some organizations working to end this carnage.

Liberty in North Korea
Helping Hands Korea

The article mentions two other groups, Crossing Borders and Durihana. I can't find either in Google. If anyone has links to them please let me know.

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